Meredith Dittmar

I covet the art of Meredith Dittmar.

About the Artist
Meredith Dittmar
is a sculptor based in Portland, Oregon. I believe she works in polymer clay--can't imagine what else that gorgeously plasticky material could be--but I can't seem to find written confirmation of that fact anywhere online. Regardless, it is safe to say that her work is friggin mind blowing. And for me, super inspiring. It makes me want to dig deeper in my life, to be unrelentingly committed to that which is intangible, mysterious, and fathomlessly beautiful (as her work makes me feel that she must in some way be). It makes me want to pee my pants, it is so damn good. 

According to her artist statement, her "human-animal-plant-energy amalgams contain threads of common elements and colors to express deep levels of union across themes of biology, technology, and consciousness. Her characters are frequently involved in quiet expressive moments, or lounge facing their audience so they can share their inner space. Dittmar believes it is this space we recognize in ourselves, and through convening in that space, the interconnectedness of all things is revealed. She sees the act of spontaneous artistic creation as part of a larger practice of being present, and a way to better understand herself and reality."

Check out more of her amazing work here.

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